Saturday, August 22, 2020

What happens here, Stays here Las Vegas Campaign Essay

What occurs here, Stays here Las Vegas Campaign - Essay Example epresents an enormous income stream for the city of Las Vegas, requiring the city to invest sizeable energy at drawing in mass amounts of customers to its nightlife and recreational offices. Las Vegas, as a remarkable American goal, keeps up a huge key favorable position over customary item marks, as the business doesn't need to depend on estimating piece of the overall industry against contenders. There are barely any goals with a similar nature of exhibition and entertainment gave by the whole city of Las Vegas, accordingly the city can concentrate exclusively on its item highlights, advantages and administrations as a novel travel goal. In spite of the fact that different urban communities the nation over require the travel industry dollars, Vegas is in a class without anyone else for grown-up diversion. The showcasing center is likewise to urge worldwide purchasers to visit the city as a major aspect of Las Vegas’ promoting center (Fowler, B.1). Up until as of late, Las Vegas had been situated as a family goal, with past advertising endeavors concentrating on the amusement park assortments and water-park diversion gave by the city to bait family income dollars. One prominent creator depicts the past Las Vegas advertising effort, concentrated on family, as an aggregate of â€Å"T-shirt packs of donut inhalers wandering the gambling clubs like livestock† (Anderson, 1). This spoke to an advertising center where the focused on customer was the family segment, possibly making strife between the more grown-up situated buyer who took a gander at Vegas as a getaway for grown-up amusement and energizing, gambling club entertainment. The move in showcasing center from family-arranged to a more risquã © battle delineates an absolute change in target advertise center. Las Vegas advertisers additionally keep up a mass promoting reasoning where individual objective shoppers are not the center, however offers to the mass buyer crowd involved business experts, youthful grown-ups, and some other age or foundation segment accessible in the United States.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Nature Writing that Helped Me Fall in Love with the Outdoors

The Nature Writing that Helped Me Fall in Love with the Outdoors I am not outdoorsy. I’ve never been camping (except if you count tent camping on a baseball field in a stadium with Boy Scouts camping), and before I attended graduate school in North Carolina, I wasn’t even aware that hiking the Appalachian Trail was a thing. Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and the surrounding areas were full of outdoor activities and sports, and it was so different than anywhere I’d ever lived before. Friends in my public health cohort would often go hiking, camping, and do other outdoorsy things like mountain climbing, which was awesome, but not my thing. The most outdoorsy I got was going to REI to get a new fleece or two and then sitting outside with friends, snacks, and wine for an outdoor movie on the green. Years later, after leaving North Carolina and living in Manhattan, I returned to the suburbs of New Jersey to raise my son. This past summer, I started to feel worn down. Working full-time and then some, raising my child, and trying to have some sort of a life (and failing) all started to take its toll. I was struggling. I missed my grandmother, who died in January. I wasn’t writing. Reading wasn’t fun anymore. Everyone and everything on social media annoyed me. Burnout had arrived. I started craving nature, which was…not like me. At all. Eventually, I found myself gazing at photos of National Parks. I followed several of them on Instagram. I started reading travel essays. Even in the heat of summer, I sat outside with my iced coffee, not quite able to bring myself to go inside, no matter how hot it was outside. I needed the fresh air, the heat of the sun on my skin, and the rare breeze. I got travel books for the National Parks. I researched trails near me. I went to REI and plopped myself down in their books aisle and skimmed several hiking and camping books. Something happened when I got out of the house more and got outside. There was a settling of sorts in my body. (Or maybe it was just the vitamin D, I don’t know). My stress didn’t go away, but I began to relax and rely on that daily dose of outdoors. I started to feel more like me again when I was actually outside in the world. Life is busy as a single parent, and I never did get to camp, much less hike, this summer. Now that I have a little more time with his school schedule, I am trying to plan some times where I can take an hour or two from my work and go get on a trail. But one thing I haven’t stopped doing is reading books about the outdoors. Fellow Rioter Anna had a great post about the outdoors and backpacking, which you can read here. While I couldnt always get outside or do the things I wanted to do (my dream is to take a year or three off and just travel the National Parks and camp, but I do have a toddler and theres a thing called having to work and earn a living, so…), books were the next best thing. If I couldnt hike the AT or PCT, I could read about it. If I couldnt get to a National Park, I could read about it and look at pictures. Maybe thats dorky, but it helped stop the burnout cycle. I do have to note that the list is overwhelmingly white, and mostly male. There are lots of reasons for this, and things seem to be changing, thankfully. Rahawa Haile’s memoir about hiking the Appalachian Trail is slated to come out in 2020, and there are organizations like Diversify Outdoors and Outdoor Afro, and Instagram accounts like @latinaswhohike, @indigenouswomenhike, @climbersofcolor, and @takingupspaceoutdoors. If you can’t get outside, or are even wondering about getting started hiking/camping/getting outside, here are some of my favorites that I’ve been reading. I started off with rereading Wild by Cheryl Strayed, and then read Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail. If you haven’t read them yet, you’re in for a treat! Even if you dont think youre an outdoorsy person, these books might change your mind. The Unlikely Thru-Hiker: An Appalachian Trail Journey by Derick Lugo I actually picked this book up on one of my trips to REI, and I immediately wanted to read it because of the back text copy that said Lugo had never been hiking, and yet he decided he was going to hike the Appalachian Trail (AT). Although we don’t get much of the time before the trail or any of his preparation for it, Lugo’s tales of the trail are poignant, relatable, and several times I was literally LOLing as I read it. His descriptions are beautiful, and he has a way of capturing the essence of the people he meets on the trail. He does address the issue of whiteness on the trail (he is Black), albeit briefly. I loved reading this and spending time with him on the page, and would have loved even more tales of the AT from him. Alta California: From San Diego to San Francisco, A Journey on Foot to Rediscover the Golden State by Nick Neely In the interest of full disclosure, I will say that I did go to school with Neely; we were in the same MFA program at CU. That being said, as soon as I heard this book was coming out, I knew I had to read it. In 1769, the first overland Spanish expedition into Alta California occurred, and Neely decided to follow the expedition himself, to learn more about his home state of Californiaâ€"from San Diego to San Francisco, a 650-mile journey. Neely’s prose is luminous; his eye for detail ensures that you can practically envision yourself in the surroundings, but he doesn’t lose sight of the bigger picture, either. In addition to telling the story of his journey and providing a vivid history of California’s evolution, the book also tackles contemporary issues like oil and agriculture, immigration, public land issues, and development. That Wild Country: An Epic Journey Through the Past, Present, and Future of America’s Public Lands by Mark Kenyon (December 1) Given my newfound interest in National Parks, when I heard about this, my interest was piqued. Kenyon takes the reader on a tour of public lands, providing both gorgeous nature writing and a detailed history of the public land system and the various controversies over the years, including Ammon Bundy’s Malheur Refuge standoff. Although the topic is inherently political, Kenyon manages to retain his independent voice; he stands by anyone who fights on behalf of these lands. This is an important read, especially now. Thirst: 2600 Miles to Home by Heather “Anish” Anderson Anderson is the National Geographic 2019 Adventurer of the Year, and for good reason. By the time she was 25, she had backpacked the “Triple Crown”: the Appalachian Trail (AT), the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), and the Continental Divide Trail (CDT). She’s the second woman to do the Triple Crown twice. Her trail name is Anish, and although this is a memoir of time on the trails, it also tells her story of leaving her traditional lifeâ€"job, husband, usual trappings of everyday lifeâ€"and turning back to nature. It’s clear she feels most comfortable in the mountains, and the reader is transported onto the trail with her. If you liked Wild, you’ll want to read this one. The Adventurer’s Son: A Memoir by Roman Dial (February 18, 2020) Cody Roman Dial decided to hike in an untracked rainforest in Costa Rica called Corcovado National Park. When he didn’t return, his father, scientist Roman Dial, who is also a National Geographic Explorer, set off to find him, or find out what happened to him. Real-life mystery, travelogue, nature writing, and memoir all combine to make this book a must-read that you’ll stay up to finish. End of the Rope: Mountains, Marriage, and Motherhood by Jan Redford Reading this was the first time I’d ever read about rock climbing, and Redford is a masterful writer, about rock climbing, the outdoors, romantic love, and motherhood. It’s about pursuing what you love and being true to yourself, and making your own way through your experiencesâ€"and it just so happens, in this memoir, to have nature and outdoor sports as the backdrop.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Child Abuse Or Domestic Abuse - 1797 Words

INTRODUCTION When you think of abuse you automatically begin to think of child abuse or domestic abuse but rarely is the first thought in your mind elder abuse. Often overlooked, elder abuse is a pressing issue surrounding nursing care for older adults. Unfortunately, many cases of elder abuse are not identified and sometimes they are identified much too late. Geriatric abuse can come in many forms which include physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, and even financial abuse. Nurses need to be able to identify when an elder is being abused, utilize screening tools to catch elder abuse when it is happening, react and implement the correct interventions when it is suspected or confirmed that an elder is being abused, and know how to†¦show more content†¦IDENTIFICATION OF THE TOPIC We as nurses are at the frontline when providing patient care and when nurses get an elderly patient that they suspect is being abused they need to know what signs to look for and how to react. Elder abuse is defined as actions that are done intentionally to cause harm or produce a grave risk of harm (whether or not harm is intended) to a susceptible or vulnerable elder by a caregiver or other individual who stands in a trust relationship to the elder. The definition also includes failure by a caregiver to meet the elder’s basic needs or to shelter the elder from harm (NCEA, 2012, p.1). Unfortunately, since the age of our population is increasing so is the prevalence of elder abuse. Since this form of abuse is rarely screened for it can be difficult to detect. It is the nurse’s responsibility to implement tools that could help identify any underlying problems that are not immediately noticeable. Many times the nurse could be the last hope a patient could have. The patient might be too afraid to admit to maltreatment for fear of retaliation from the abuser. This is why nurses should assess for signs that the patient is in trouble. If the nurse can successfully recognize when an elder is being abused they can make a significant impact on the life of their patient. Sometimes a healthcare professional may have preconceived ideas about elderly clients and disregard what they may say to them. This is a form of ageism that

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Grievances Of The American Colonists Against Great Britain...

Grievances of the American Colonists against Great Britain For a better part of the eighteenth century, the American colonists expressed vexation and disapproval of the coercive acts, which the British Government perpetrated on the colony through series of legislative acts by the British Parliament. Prior to the acts that the colonists in America termed as atrocious and oppressive, they were willing to cooperate and reaffirm loyalty to the King of England. Some of the legislations and declarations that colonists participated in was the sustenance of British soldiers in the colony, payment of import tariffs and other forms of taxes to support the British central government. These are but a few, the reasons as to why colonists objected to the mode of British rule in America. Another concern was the Rights violations by the English government regarding economic progress and representation. Because of these grievances, British colonists in America stepped up agitation through violation of the tyrannical Acts and petitions through the Continental Congress. The essay explores the grievances that Colonists in America held against the British government, in riposte to My Dear America Cousin letter. In the 1650’s, the British government longed to embellish its authority and establish more centralized control governing its Colonies. Parliament established the Navigation Acts which only allowed British vessels to ferryShow MoreRelatedThe Economic, Military And Civil Grievances And The Declaration Of Independence1099 Words   |  5 PagesThe economic, military and civil grievances were essential in drafting the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration is one of the most admired and eloquent proclamations in American history. 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The Development Of Leadership Quality Education Essay Free Essays

string(61) " colleagues as the best known of the eventuality approaches\." â€Å" ‘Leaders are born ‘ and ‘leadership accomplishments can be developed ‘ represent two basically different positions towards the development of leading quality. Which position would you back up, and what deductions may this hold for direction development in organisations? † Introduction Are leaders born or made? This inquiry has grabbed a batch of attending of many writers in the past century. The leading theories and the ways to analyze leading have been evolved over clip. We will write a custom essay sample on The Development Of Leadership Quality Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The subject of leading has been of involvement to many research workers throughout the twentieth century but non in the 19th. As Frank Heller ( 1997, p.340 ) notes that in 1896, the US Library of Congress had non one book on the topic of leading. Alan Bryman, one of the most well-thought-of and cited British research worker, has written a reappraisal chapter ‘Leadership in Organizations ‘ in 1990s. Bryman traces the displacements in the definition of leading from Trait epochs to the New Leadership epoch ( Bryman, 1996 ) . David Day argues that leaders can be developed. He carried out a thorough scrutiny of leading development from three interconnected positions, of theory, pattern and research ( Day, D. V, 2001 ) . One of his wide findings was that the pattern of leading development offered many processs for executing programmes for accomplishing coveted ends of leading development. However, he was able to happen small hallmark of the connexions between the patterns and those ends. Day gives a clear image of one of the ways in which leading research is chiefly complex to analyze and implement. He foremost differentiates between leader development and leading development. Leader development focuses on the person, and historically was the more of import one. Whereas, leading development shows a broader image of the overall kineticss of the organisations within which leaders and others perform their work ( Rickards and Clark, 2006 ) . In the undermentioned pages, we will be looking at different theories that either supports the ‘Born ‘ or ‘Made ‘ side of leading, back up the impression that leaders can be developed and speak about how can they be developed and what impact does it hold on the direction and leading development in an organisation. Leaderships, Born or Made? Narratives from all over the universe have promoted the fact of natural leaders, who succeeded without any formal preparation or whatsoever. Yet, leading preparation and development has been a turning field of survey. The taken-for-granted belief in the natural born leader was noted in a address on leading made by the Bishop of Durham, Dr Herbert H. Hensley at St Andrews University, Scotland in 1930s, in which he noted that: â€Å" It is a fact that some work forces possess an inbred high quality, which gives them a ruling influence over their coevalss, and marks them out unmistakeably for leading. . . [ in many walks of life ] there are those who with an assured and undisputed rubric, take the prima topographic point, and determine the general behavior † ( Quoted in Adair J. , 1989 ) We will now be looking at two proposals by Alan Bryman and David Day. Bryman takes us on a journey through the development of leading theories in the pre-modern times to the rise of trait theory, and an epoch where trait theories became challenges by more behaviourally oriented thoughts. Bryman portrays all these theories as a portion of the â€Å" old leading † theoretical account and contrasts them with an of import theoretical account of new leading. We will now understand how trait theories became cardinal, underpinning beliefs about natural Born leaders followed by the diminution in the sensed significance of trait theories added to the ultimate rise of involvement in leading developmental possibilities ( Rickards and Clark, 2006 ) . An early definition which was accepted for three decennaries was by Stogdill in his enchiridion which says â€Å" Leadership may be considered as the procedure ( act ) of act uponing the activities of a group in attempts towards end scene and end accomplishment † ( Stogdill, 1950 ) . Bryman argues that that definition presented by Stogdill indicates how leading was supposed to run through a leader carrying the behavior of the followings. However, he notes that this definition is deficient for distinguishing between leading and direction. He so compares this to a new leading definition which says â€Å" The leader gives a sense of way and aim through the articulation of a compelling world-view [ the specifying feature of which is ] the active publicity of values which provide shared significances about the nature of organisations † ( Bryman, 1996 ) . Bryman takes a historiographer ‘s attack and suggests typical epochs in leading theory and research. He notes that the epochs are suggestions of periods within which a peculiar kind of theory had domination over the other. He categorises them into 4 epochs, the trait epoch, manner epoch, eventuality epoch and the new leading epoch. The trait epoch was from 1880s to 1940s. It emphasised on the indispensable features of a leader which were presumed to be congenital traits like physical traits, abilities like intelligence, communicating etc and personality features like assurance, extroversion etc. The manner epoch was from 1940s to 1960s. It refocused on what the leaders did instead than their personal traits. The most dominant organisational surveies such as the Ohio State probes set a manner for analyzing the studies of followings which was even followed in the eventuality epoch. Research workers attempted to distill manners to a few overarching variables, frequently bring forthing planar theoretical accounts of people oriented and undertaking oriented. The eventuality epoch, right after the manner epoch, that was from late sixtiess to early 1980s. It can be seen as a more complex manner as it incorporates the situational variable. A contingent variable is one whose significance in a theory is dependent on fortunes. A people oriented manner may non be appropriate is the degree of acquisition and instruction of the followings is low. Harmonizing to Bryman, the eventuality theory introduced the ‘it all depends ‘ thought. He identified the theoretical account developed by Fred Fiedler and colleagues as the best known of the eventuality approaches. You read "The Development Of Leadership Quality Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" This theory suggests that the nature of the leader to favor undertaking or relationships may be assessed by the leaders position of his colleagues and specifically for the least preferable colleague ( LPC ) . If a leader sees good qualities in his colleagues, he tends to be more relations hip oriented, if non so undertaking oriented. The new leading epoch took up in the 1980s and to day of the month. The typical characteristics are a displacement from the trait, manner and eventuality theoretical accounts through focal point on leading as a socially constructed procedure. The 2nd characteristic was a procedure of transformational alteration. This was a clear limit from the two old epochs of eventuality and manner, although the birth of trait theory could besides be considered as grounded in leader traits linked with major transmutations ( Rickards and Clark, 2006 ) . In 2001, David Day carried out a elaborate review of leading development from three interconnected positions, of theory, pattern and research. One of his wide findings was that the pattern of leading development can give us many ways for carry oning plans for carry throughing wanted ends of leading development. Day illustrates that leading research is reasonably complex to analyze and put to death. He draws a differentiation between leader development and leading development. Leader development focuses on the person, and historically was the more of import one. Whereas, leading development shows a broader image of the overall kineticss of the organisations within which leaders and others perform their work ( Rickards and Clark, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to Day, leading development holds near the single focal point instead than replace it. He criticizes on the weak nexus between theory and pattern and developed six of the most influential techniques for leading development, viz. 360-degree feedback, coaching, mentoring, networking, occupation assignments and actions ( Day, D. V, 2001 ) . This we will discourse in item towards the terminal of this paper. Over the old ages, leading has been studied loosely in a assortment of contexts and theoretical foundations. In some instances, leading has been illustrated as a procedure, but most theories and research on leading expression at a individual to derive understanding ( Bernard, 1926 ; Blake, Shepard and Mouton, 1964 ; Drath and Palus, 1994 ; Fiedler, 1967 ; and House and Mitchell, 1974 ) . Leadership is in general defined by the traits, qualities, and behaviours of a leader. ( Stogdill, 1974 ) , identified several different classs that arrests the kernel of the survey of leading in the 20th century. The first motion dealt with the properties of great leaders. Leadership was explained by the internal qualities with which a individual is born ( Bernard, 1926 ) . The impression was that if the traits that distinguished leaders from followings could be identified, successful leaders could be rapidly evaluated and put into places of leading. Personality, physical, and mental individualisms were examined. This research was based on the thought that leaders were born and non made, and the key to success was merely in acknowledging those people who were born to be great leaders. Despite the fact that much research was done to place the traits, no clear response was found with respect to what traits every clip were associated with great leading. One imperfectness with this line of idea was in ignoring the situational and environmental factors that play a function in a leader ‘s degree of effectivity ( Horner M. , 1997 ) . A 2nd major thrust looked at leader behaviours in an attempt to reason what successful leaders do, non how they look to others ( Halpin and Winer, 1957 ; Hemphill and Coons, 1957 ) . These surveies began to look at leaders in the model of the organisation, placing the behaviours leaders ‘ exhibit that increases the efficiency of the company. A 3rd attack in response to the inquiry about the best manner to take dealt with the dealingss between the leader ‘s traits, the leader ‘s behaviours, and the state of affairs in which the leader exists. These eventuality theories make the guess that the effects of one variable on leading are contingent on others. Yet another eventuality theory trades with an scrutiny of the people who are led by leaders. The significance of the followings in leading materialized ( House and Mitchell, 1974 ) , and leading was seen as a communicating between the ends of the follo wings and the leader. The path-goal theory proposes that leaders are chiefly responsible for assisting followings build up behaviours that will enable them to achieve their ends or preferred results. Extra leading theories have come frontward over the past 10 to fifteen old ages. This is symbolized by the comparing of transactional and transformational leading. Transactional leading stems from more constituted positions of workers and organisations, and it involves the place power of the leader to utilize followings for undertaking completion ( Burns, 1978 ) . Transformational leading, nevertheless, looks on for ways to assist actuate followings by carry throughing higher-order demands and more to the full appealing them in the procedure of the work ( Bass, 1985 ) . Transformational leaders can get down and cover with alteration, and they can craft something new out of the old. In this manner, these leaders separately evolve while besides assisting their followings and organisations evolve. They construct strong associations with others while back uping and heartening each person ‘s development. Manz and Sims besides offer a revised, integrative point of position on leading . Using the term â€Å" Super Leadership, † they confront the traditional paradigm of leading as one individual making something to other people ( Manz and Sims, 1991 ) . Alternatively, they propose that another theoretical account exists for leading today: â€Å" the most appropriate leader is one who can take others to take themselves † ( p. 18 ) . Harmonizing to this position, leading exists within every person, and it is non restricted to the bounds of officially appointed leaders. They suggest that for leaders to be most successful, they need to help each person in the development of taking himself or herself. Leaderships become great by unleashing the possible and capablenesss of followings, hence holding the cognition of many people alternatively of trusting entirely on their ain accomplishments and abilities. Daniel Goleman was the first individual to present the thought of ’emotional intelligence ‘ in his book with the same rubric in 1995. In his research of around 200 big companies, he found that apart from the leading qualities like intelligence, stamina, finding and vision, which are needed to for a leader to be successful ; there is besides a demand for a high degree of emotional intelligence which includes self-awareness, self-regulation, motive, empathy and societal accomplishments. These qualities may sound soft but Goleman discovered strong relationships between emotional intelligence and the house ‘s public presentation. Harmonizing to Goleman, IQ and proficient accomplishments are the entry degree demands for any executive places. But Goleman ‘s research shows that emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leading and without it, no affair if the individual has the best preparation in the universe, has an analytical head and a clump of superb though ts, he still wont do a great leader ( Goleman, 1998 ) . Self-awareness is the first component of emotional intelligence, which makes sense when one believe that the Delphic prophet gave the advice to â€Å" cognize thyself † 1000s of old ages ago. Self-awareness means holding a deep apprehension of one ‘s emotions, strengths, failings, demands, and thrusts. Peoples with strong self-awareness are neither overly critical nor unrealistically hopeful. Rather, they are honorable with themselves and with others. Peoples with a high grade of self- consciousness place how their feelings affect them, the people around them, and their occupation public presentation. Therefore, a self-conscious individual who knows that he tilt handle tight deadlines, can be after his clip carefully and gets his work done good in progress. Self-awareness extends to a individual ‘s accepting of his values and ends ( Goleman, 1998 ) . Self-regulation is the component of emotional intelligence that frees us from being prisoner of our ain feelings. Peoples occupied in such a duologue feel bad tempers and emotional disposition merely as everyone else does, but they figure out ways to command them and to even impart them in utile ways. Peoples with self-regulation tend to take a different way in difficult times. They craft words in such a manner that the individual gets the message without doing him or her feel bad about it. Peoples who have control of their feelings and urges are able to craft an ambiance of trust and equity. In such an environment, political relations and bitching are aggressively reduced and end product is high. Gifted people congregate to the organisation and are n’t tempted to go forth ( Goleman, 1998 ) . Motivation is one trait that all leaders possess. They are driven to accomplish beyond outlooks. Many of the people are motivated by external factors like higher wage, a esteemed rubric in the organisation or the taking company itself for which they are working. On the other manus, good leaders are motivated by a deeply embedded desire to accomplish something merely for the interest of accomplishing it. If one wants to mensurate the motivational degree of the leader, expression at the desire and passion for work itself. Such people look for originative challenges and love to larn new things. Empathy can be easy recognized out of all the other dimensions of emotional intelligence. It surely does non intend following others emotions as one ‘s ain and seek to delight them, instead empathy agencies sympathetically sing employees ‘ feelings along with other factors while doing intelligent determinations. Empathy is preponderantly indispensable today as a constituent of leading for at least three grounds: the increasing usage of squads ; the rapid gait of globalisation ; and the turning demand to retain endowment ( Goleman, 1998 ) . The first three dimensions of emotional intelligence are self-management accomplishments. The last two, empathy and societal accomplishment, trades with a individual ‘s endowment to pull off relationships with others. As an component of emotional intelligence, societal accomplishment is non every bit straightforward as it sounds. It ‘s non merely about friendliness, even though people with high degrees of societal accomplishment are seldom dishonorable. Social accomplishment, instead, is openness with a ground: traveling people in the way you want, whether that ‘s understanding on a new selling scheme or acuteness about a new merchandise. Social accomplishment is a decision of the other dimensions of emotional intelligence. Peoples tend to be really effective at pull offing associations when they can grok and command their ain emotions and can sympathize with the feelings of others. Even motive addendums to societal accomplishment. Peoples who are ambitious to carry through be given to be optimistic, even in the face of failure. When people are optimistic, their â€Å" freshness † is cast upon duologues and other societal brushs ( Goleman, 1998 ) . So can emotional intelligence be learned? For decennaries, people have been reasoning approximately are leaders born or made, and so does about emotional intelligence, are people born with certain degrees of empathy, for illustration, or do they get by existent life experiences? , the reply is both. Scientific research suggests that there is a familial constituent to emotional intelligence and that nature plays a critical function in development of such intelligence. But to what extent, one can non truly mensurate that out. One thing is for certain that emotional intelligence additions as the individual grows older but some people still need developing to develop emotional intelligence. Every individual is born with it, there is a demand to happen and develop it. Emotional intelligence is born mostly in the neurotransmitters of the encephalons limbic system, which administers feelings, urges, and thrusts. Research shows that the limbic system learns best through motive, drawn-out pat tern, and feedback. Compare this with the sort of larning that goes on in the neopallium which governs analytical and proficient ability. The neocortex appreciation constructs and logic. It is the portion of the encephalon that figures out how to utilize a computing machine or do a gross revenues call by reading a book. To hike emotional intelligence organisations must redeploy their preparation to include the limbic system. They must assist people interrupt old behavioral wonts and put up new 1s. That non merely takes much more clip than conventional preparation plans it besides requires an individualised attack. With dedication, continuity and pattern, such a procedure can hold a life long consequence. It ‘s of import to recognize that constructing 1s emotional intelligence can non and will non take topographic point without sincere desire and concentrated attempt. A brief seminar wo n’t assist ; nor can one purchase a how-to manual. It is hard to larn to sympathize, to internalise empathy as a natural response to people, than it is to go proficient at failure analysis. But it can be done. â€Å" Nothing great was of all time achieved without enthusiasm † wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. If your end is to go a existent leader, these words can function as a usher in your attempts to develop high emotional intelligence ( Goleman, 1998 ) . Harmonizing to Day, there are six most influential techniques for leading development, i.e. 360-degree feedback, coaching, mentoring, networking, occupation assignments and action acquisition. 360-degree feedback involves assessment procedures within which the executives ( leaders ) gives feedback to the employees ( followings ) and have a feedback from them if possible at a higher, tantamount or lower degrees in the organisation. It is used to garner positions from the very important persons and the lower downs. This technique is used by many of the luck 500 organisations nevertheless the leading development portion has attracted some differences. Coaching and mentoring are two overlapping agencies of leading development. Both these attacks fit good with the construct of go throughing on the information to the less experient from the more experient one. Coaching is a term by and big related with the proviso of specific sets of behavioral accomplishments ( dialogue, communicating, presentation accomplishments would be typical leading illustrations ) . The procedures tend to presume that statute cognition is transferred from the trainer to the trainee. Mentoring, correspondent to training, is a classical term to specify the relationship between the wise man, the experient and knowing one, and a less experient receiver. Unlike coaching, the cognition transportation is less concerned with specific accomplishments and the acquired cognition is more likely to be dispersed. Mentoring is therefore more clearly developmental, and sometimes called as tacit accomplishments. This characteristic allows the possibility of informal mentoring relationships. Networking has been acknowledged within cognition direction research, as holding a connectivist footing. This draws a differentiation between theories which regard cognition as inborn in persons ( cognitivist theories ) and those concerned with relationships across persons ( connectivist theories ) . These theories believe that organisational constructions are self-structuring, as an result of the information flows through several connexions ( webs ) amongst its single members. The networking attack to leading development is the most obviously connectivist one. Job assignments have played a critical portion in the field of direction development programmes for many old ages. The simple hypothesis is that persons learn by being exposed to wide-ranging challenges of importance to current or future occupations. The statement has been widely applied to apologize concern exchanges, foreign deputations, even abroad school trips. It will be noted that a occupation assignment programme will inescapably hike a alteration in networking activities of those occupied, so that the appraisal of the one technique against the other is a complex affair. Action acquisition is an look applied to an extended scope of experiential acquisition procedures. The procedures tend to affect undertakings as the drive force for larning ; these are frequently directed towards of import concern jobs. It presents the impression of calculated engagement. The find procedure comes from the interior of a individual. The procedure comes with a demand to work through jobs of objectiveness and whether consequences could be generalized or non ( Rickards and Clark, 2006 ) . Apart from these patterns and attacks, there are many formal leading development establishments in the universe. The Centre for Creative Leadership ( CCL ) is considered as one of the most experient planetary leading development organisations in the universe. It was founded in 1970 in Greensboro, NC, USA and had developed itself as a universe leader with many other installations in the US, Europe and Asia. Even in the UK, Ashridge Management College built its extended leading programmes in the 1980s and 90s with the aid of its franchise from CCL. Manchester Business School ( MBS ) besides became a portion of the programme for proficient leading over a period of old ages through its Research A ; Development Department ( Rickards and Clark, 2006 ) . Decision There is still much of a argument that ‘are leaders born or made ‘ , in my perceptual experience and by looking at a scope of articles and books, came to a decision that nevertheless there is an in-born component involved in the development of leading, preparation and development is still in much demand to foster explore and smooth that possible. As Goleman notes that ‘It would be foolish to asseverate that good-old-fashioned IQ and proficient ability are non of import ingredients in strong leading. But the formula would non be complete without emotional intelligence. It was one time thought that the constituents of emotional intelligence were â€Å" nice to hold † in concern leaders. But now we know that, for the interest of public presentation, these are ingredients that leaders â€Å" need to hold † ‘ ( Goleman, 1998 ) . The techniques identified by David Day are deserving observing. Whereas the formal techniques can be used in the development of leading, many other informal attacks can besides be considered. Informal squads can besides be setup in an organisations what can give informal but valuable feedback about a individuals behavior which than can be taken attention of. A individual may be born with leading accomplishments and may hold emotional intelligence to a certain degree, but when we look at eventualities, the leader has to be cognizant of the state of affairss and has to be pro-active instead than being re-active. Leadership development in footings of emotional intelligence is a drawn-out and clip devouring procedure but it is deserving puting in provided that the scholar is unfastened to all kinds of acquisition and has a passion and enthusiasm for it. How to cite The Development Of Leadership Quality Education Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Singer Solution to World Poverty free essay sample

Poverty is an issue that faces us every single day, and will not go away with time. There is a lot of poverty in the world, but there are some countries that the level of poverty is higher such as Haiti, Africa, and Nigeria. It is terrible how there is thousands of people out there who need from our help. Poverty is the children down the street who go to bed hungry each night. Poverty is my neighbor who had her heat shut off this past winter, but Poverty is preventable. In the Article â€Å"The Singer Solution to World Poverty† the author Singer argues that there is no reason why Americans don’t donate money if they can afford countless of luxuries that are not essential to their lives and health. Singer’s solution is suggesting every America to stop using money to buy anything that they do not need and donate the saved money to all kinds of charities. We will write a custom essay sample on The Singer Solution to World Poverty or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I believe that Singer’s plan is a great idea and should come into effect as soon as possible. The Singer Solution to World Poverty† addresses the urgency for a more generous world. Peter Singer presents lots of valid points within his work to the manner that incite one to question his morals and ethics. He states the gift of donation in an eccentric but motivating way. The purpose of â€Å"The Singer Solution to World Poverty† is to encourage the reader to change his aspect and consider the idea that he can contribute to those impoverished people of the world. In other words, Singer is writing to any person with the ability to donate. In this passage, he makes it clear that everyone has the opportunity to make a difference is other’s lives. And the facts that he uses are very connected to the way of a person’ thinking; making his arguments connect on a personal level. With the author and reader connected on a personal level, Singer’s arguments have a stronger effect. Singer asserts thatâ€Å"$200 in donations would help a sickly 2-year-old transform into a healthy 6-year-old†. He later calls the reader to action by saying, â€Å"I trust many readers will reach for the phone and donate that $200. Perhaps you should do it before reading further†, Singer tries to make the readers feel guilty if they were to continue reading without donating. He evokes his message to the audience in an effective and well planned out manor. Singer’s motive of wiring his piece of reading was to inform the reader of the importance and effect of donating to organizations; and, to persuade him to act upon it. He believes that luxuries are exactly that, a luxury. Singer’s examples are very convincing and persuades the reader to act upon the children’ poverty problem. Although Singer’s points are considered to be unrealistic, people should be more aware of poverty and take actions against them. Singer notes â€Å"Dora delivers the boy, gets the money, spends some of it on a television set and settles down to enjoy her new acquisition†. In other words, Singer expresses that people give more value to a TV (objects) than a child’ life. This argument is effective because unfortunately is part of our reality, from 100 artists 15 care about poor children lives. Bob’s situation is a typical example. Singer argues that â€Å"Thinking of his joy in owning the car and the financial security it presents, Bob decides not to throw the switch†. In other words, he chose to keep his car for the financial security retirements to the rest of his life instead throw a switch that will divert the train down where his car is parked to save child’s life. I strongly agree with Singer’ argument because we too have opportunities to save the lives of children, and Bob’ example explain one of the causes for the continuing of Poverty. Indeed, the people of society must be the first to embrace the sacrifice to help the poor, but money does not have to be all the help. The â€Å"rich†, or rather those that are not poor may be willing to help in other ways that simply giving away money and Peter â€Å"Singer’s solution to World Poverty† has good motivations. Also, those that think that they shouldnt work hard and give their money away because it is not right must not have been through poverty. As a society we have to think in what position those children are the desire they have to eat, to go to school, to have their toys and make an effort to save the millions of hungry lives. In fact, Americans should save the money they use to purchase material things that they don’t require and donate it to all those homeless children. The Singer Solution To World Poverty free essay sample â€Å"The Singer Solution to World Poverty,† philosopher Peter Singer addresses the issue of poverty by suggesting Americans give away most of their income to aid those in need. Singer believes that withholding income is the equivalence of letting a child starve to death. Therefore, Singer suggests the ethical thing to do to end world hunger is to give up everyday luxuries. Although donating a vast amount of money could help dying and starving children, Singer’s proposition is not only unrealistic but also too demanding for everyday Americans who have responsibilities of their own. Singer begins his essay with Dora, a schoolteacher, who sells an orphan awaiting to have his organs sold in a black market for a new television set. Eventually, Dora regrets her immoral decision and rescues the boy from his fate. Singer compares this act to Americans, who spend their income on food, clothes and vacations by suggesting that the money spent could have made a â€Å"difference between life and death for children in need† (327). We will write a custom essay sample on The Singer Solution To World Poverty or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Singer goes on to compare how the situations are similar, pointing out that the only difference is ignoring an issue that isn’t in your presence and one that is. Singer continues by calling himself a â€Å"utilitarian philosopher† and defines his character by stating that he judges acts by their consequences (327). Singer then introduces Bob and his expensive Buggati. Bob chooses to save his car from a train even though he could have saved a child’s life by destroying his prized possession, and compares this story to Americans and their lack of donations. Singer concludes with comparing income and how much a person should give away based on that number. He suggests all Americans have the choice to give up all luxuries because these sacrifices could better a child’s life. Singer targets all Americans in his essay, implying everyone needs to help. He begins with saying that two hundred dollars is enough to make a difference for a child, to declaring the only solution is to give up all luxuries. Singer uses Bob and Dora, two individuals who chose money and objects over children, and compares them to his audience. He even goes as far as to compare the lack of help Americans give starving children in Africa to Nazi Germany and those who did nothing to stop the Third Reich. He bases his logic on what the moral thing to do is. Singer attempts to guilt trip his readers by giving examples of life and death situations, in which lay in the hands of immoral people. Although Singer does mean well and wants to make a difference for those whose lives are at risk, his solution to is too demanding for everyday people and his authoritative deliverance in not very persuasive. Furthermore, Singer not only expects too much, but doesn’t realize luxuries and necessities mean different things to different people. Singer overwhelms the reader by stating one number to expecting a lot more. Singer fails to mention how much people struggle in America alone. Sure, it would be great to end world hunger, but what about giving to those in need in the US? According to Unicef, the United States has the second highest population of child poverty in the list of developed countries, (Unicef). Although it would be wonderful to be able to help all in need, sometimes it isn’t possible when Americans are struggling themselves to pay bills and raise their own. In conclusion, although Singer does have a good meaning behind his essay, he fails to persuade his audience by being too demanding. Although poverty is in fact an issue, he uses mostly exaggerated examples and guilt trips his readers by comparing them to Nazis and leads them to feel bad about themselves. Not everyone is able to help due to their own financial responsibilities, and it’s unrealistic people will give up most of their income for strangers in other countries. Despite his tone, I do believe the only way to overcome world issues it to work together, but unfortunately I don’t think Singer’s solution is a realistic solution to world poverty.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

8 Tips for How (and When) to Ask for a Raise

8 Tips for How (and When) to Ask for a Raise SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you hoping to increase your salary but aren't sure how to ask for a raise? Are you also wondering how much to ask for a raise or when to ask for a raise?Asking for a raise can be nerve-wracking, especially if you aren’t sure how to go about it, but we have all the answers you're looking for. In this guide, we explain everything you need to know about asking for a raise, including the steps you need to have done beforehand, the best times to ask for a raise, how much you should ask for, and eight tips to keep in mind when you ask. Things to Keep in Mind Before Asking for a Raise Before you even suggest having a conversation with your boss about your salary, there’s work you need to do. Don’t ask for a raise until you do the following four things. Ask Yourself If You’ve Truly Earned a Raise Everyone wants to make more money, but have you really put in enough work for your boss to justify increasing your salary, especially if you’re asking for more than just a cost of living increase?If you haven’t been expanding your responsibilities and going above and beyond what you’re asked to do, convincing your boss to give you a raise will be a much harder sell. Do Your Research Before you ask for a raise, you need to know how your salary compares to the salaries of similar jobs in your area. This will help you come up with a proper amount to ask for as a raise, and if you can show your salary is below the market average. We discuss this more in the â€Å"How Much of a Raise Should You Ask For† section. Have a â€Å"Brag List† Ready In order to get a raise, you’ll need to show how valuable you are to the company so they agree that you’re worth paying more money. The best way to do this is to have a â€Å"brag sheet† that highlights your accomplishments. These should be as specific as possible and ideally include quantifiable numbers. Saying, â€Å"I brought on five new clients and increased monthly sales by 15%† is much more effective than saying, â€Å"I was a great employee,† or something similarly vague. Remember That Asking for a Raise Isn’t Rude or Unusual Many employees worry that asking for a raise will make them look greedy or rude, but this isn’t the case. Asking for a raise is a normal part of having a job, and most employers expect you to ask for a raise occasionally. When to Ask for a Raise Timing is everything, and it can be the deciding factor in whether you get a raise or not. There are certain times when you’re more likely to get a raise, three of which we discuss below. During an Annual Performance Review If your company does annual performance reviews, these are a great, and often expected, time to ask for a raise.Since you’ll be discussing your accomplishments and goals for the future, discussing a change in salary fits right into the conversation. After Doing Excellent Work If you’ve just done an outstanding job on a project or gone above-and-beyond your typical work duties, consider asking for a raise.Your accomplishments will be in the forefront of your supervisor’s mind, and you’ll have concrete evidence of how useful you are to the company. When Your Supervisor Is in a Positive Frame of Mind Even if you’re the #1 employee at your office, you’ll hurt your chances of actually getting a raise if you ask when your boss is overwhelmed with work, had a project of their own go poorly, or is dealing with other issues that are distracting. Wait until things are going well for both you and your supervisor before broaching the possibility of a raise. In all cases, you should wait until it has been at least six months to a year since you either got a new role or received a raise. You should also you only discuss a potential raise when you’re meeting one-on-one with your supervisor, during a time when you both have time for the conversation. This isn't a talk you want to start while passing each other in the hall! How Much of a Raise Should You Ask For? Before you ask for a raise, you should always know what amount you’re hoping to get, whether this is a 3% increase in salary, an extra $2000 a year, etc.You don’t need to state this amount right when you ask for the raise, but you should expect your supervisor to ask what you’re hoping to get. Having a concrete amount you’d like your raise to be will make you seem more prepared and serious, and it’ll make it easier to start negotiations with your supervisor. It also reduces the possibility of your supervisor giving you a very small raise since no amount was specified. There’s no set amount you should ask for when you request a raise. This is another area where you’ll need to do your research. Most annual raises are between 1% and 5% of your annual salary, with 3% being the average at many companies.Ask around to figure out what other people in similar positions are making. You can also look on sites like Glassdoor and the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics to find what others in your field are making. Set your expectations around those amounts. Also, don’t start off by requesting a ridiculously large raise thinking you and your supervisor will then negotiate it down to something more reasonable. Doing that makes you look entitled. When asked what your desired raise is, state the amount you’re happy with, and be prepared to back it up with research that shows you deserve this amount (this can include printing out stats of the salaries of similar workers). 8 Tips on How to Ask for a Raise Once you get to the point where you and your boss are ready to have the conversation about your salary, keep these eight tips in mind when discussing a raise. #1: Be Confident Asking for a raise can be intimidating, but try to minimize your nervousness during the conversation. By being confident, you’ll show your boss that you’re serious about this topic and really believe you deserve a raise. If you aren’t confident you deserve a raise, why should your boss be? Many people find that practicing their speech in front of a mirror or other people several times can make the actual conversation go much smoother. #2: Make It Clear You’re Asking for a Raise This isn’t a time to be coy about what you’re asking for; doing so will just make the conversation confusing and awkward.If you haven’t already told your supervisor why you’re requesting a meeting, you should begin the conversation with something like, â€Å"I’ve learned a lot from [company name], and I feel I’ve also been a strong asset. Because of this, I’d like to set up an appointment to discuss my salary.† This removes any ambiguity from the conversation and makes it easier for you and your supervisor to communicate honestly with each other. #3: Show That You’re Valuable This is the time to bring up the topics you came up with in your brag sheet. You don’t need to list everything you’ve done for the company, but by highlighting a few major accomplishments and making it clear they’re part of a pattern of excellent work, you’ll remind your boss how valuable you are. Remember to make these accomplishments detailed and to include numbers when you can to give concrete evidence of your worth. Good examples include, â€Å"Revenue increased $10,000 since I began working the project,† â€Å"Employee turnover has decreased by half and employee satisfaction has increased by 20% since I became manager of this team.† If you’ve found solid evidence that your salary is significantly below average for your field, you can also bring this up now, but be careful not to sound accusing or bitter.Something like, â€Å"Here’s data I collected showing salaries for people in similar positions as mine. Because of my accomplishments, I believe I deserve to be making at or above the average salary for this position† makes it clear what you want without being negative. #4: Talk About Your Long-Term Goals In order to show you’re serious about your commitment to your job and will continue to be an exceptional employee, make sure you discuss accomplishments you hope to achieve in the future in your position or a future position. #5: Don’t Bring Up Personal Problems Even if you really need the money, this is not the time to mention that getting a raise will really help you recover from a bad investment, pay for your kid’s college, etc.Bringing up your personal problems during this talk isn’t professional will only make your supervisor feel more uncomfortable if they need to decline your request. This is also not the time to bring up workplace grievances like the fact that you feel you’re working a ton of hours or do twice as much work as another employee.Keep your discussion about getting a raise strictly professional, and only bring up work accomplishments as reasons why you deserve a raise. #6: Give Your Boss Time to Consider the Request Many times, even if your boss wants to give you a raise, they need to clear it with other people first. If your boss seems at least somewhat willing to consider giving you a raise, end your request by letting them know you aren’t expecting an answer right this minute, and ask when you can schedule a follow-up conversation.This takes some of the pressure off them to make a decision in the moment. #7: Consider Other Rewards If your boss is unable or unwilling to give you a raise, there are other rewards you could ask for, including: A bonus Increased vacation days More flexible working schedule Think about what other incentives you’d also be interested in having, and be prepared to offer them instead if your boss can’t give you a raise but agrees you deserve some other type of reward for your work. #8: Don’t Be Discouraged If You Hear â€Å"No† Not everyone who asks for a raise gets one. Sometimes you haven’t been in the position long enough, haven’t distinguished yourself enough, or the company just doesn’t have the money to offer you a raise right now. If this conversation doesn’t lead to a raise, a good follow-up question is, â€Å"What would I need to do to earn a raise in the future?†This will give you and your supervisor chance to discuss concrete actions you can take to put you in a better position to get a raise in the future. If your supervisor can’t offer you any definite steps you can take to get a raise, or they state that you’re already at the high end of the salary range for your position, then you may need to start looking at a job in a new company in order to increase your salary. Summary: How to Ask for a Raise at Work Before you ask for a raise, it’s important to make sure you’ve really earned a raise, have done your research on the salaries of similar workers, and have a brag list of your accomplishments ready. Not sure when to ask for a raise? The best times are during an annual review, after you’ve done excellent work, and when your boss is in a good mood.If you’re not sure how much to ask for a raise, do lots of research on what other people in your field make so you can be sure your request is reasonable. If you're not sure how to ask your boss for a raise, keep the following tips in mind: Be confident Make it clear you’re asking for a raise Show that you’re valuable Talk about your long-term goals Avoid discussing personal problems Give your boss time to think about it Consider other rewards Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a raise What's Next? Interested in large numbers?Wondering what a Googol is? Learn every major number that comes after trillion in our guide to extremely large numbers. Thinking about learning Japanese?Learn how to say "good morning" in Japanese, plus nine other important greetings. Did you know that water has a very special density? Check out our guide to learn what the density of water is and how the density can change.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Perk Up!

Perk Up! Writers need to be paid. Fact. But sometimes, you don’t have to be paid in cold, hard cash. Working for perks in lieu of monetary compensation has always been an integral part of the industry. Of course, this doesn’t help pay the bills, but these perks are definitely not to be sneezed at, especially if you target products and services you would spend your money on anyway. The first thing you need to understand is that virtually every major company in the world has a PR and marketing department. The reason these departments exist is to spread the word about their business, and this is where you come in. An easy starter is to write to companies asking what new or upcoming products are available, and if they would like anything reviewed in exchange for samples. Don’t go crazy and start demanding a new TV. The more expensive the item, the more likely it will be that the manufacturer will only loan it to you and expect it back. To secure items you may have to ‘pitch’ the manufacturer, saying specifically who you intend writing for, and provide information like circulation figures and market demographics. Most importantly, highlight why it would be in the company’s best interests to be featured in this particular publication. A concept prominent in consumer magazines is the ‘road tested’ feature where new-to-market products are tried out. Look for extra sweeteners you can offer such as a post on your personal blog, a Tweet, or even an Amazon review. The more exposure you can offer, the better. Personally, I review a lot of books, albums and computer games. Therefore, I work with a lot of publishers, publicists, and record labels. The first step is to approach these people (their contact details are freely available online) and ask them to add you to any mailing lists they keep. Then you’ll be among the first to know of any new or upcoming releases, as well as press trips and interview opportunities. In 2012 I fired off a quick email to the developer of my favorite computer game asking for a ‘check disc,’ including a link to my blog and mentioning my reach on social media. The company, eager to generate publicity ahead of a new launch, was more than happy to accommodate. Furthermore, theyve sent me a new and updated version of the game every year since, amounting to over $250 worth of free software. In fact, my expenditure on entertainment has been practically non-existent for years. With a little experience, you can ‘build’ features from the ground up, get paid AND collect masses of free swag. Let’s suppose you wanted to go on a camping trip. Pitch your idea to editors who may be interested, then, when a commission is secured, use it to approach various other entities. Firstly, you are going to need specialist equipment and camping gear, so contact outdoor suppliers and ask them to kit you out. New boots? Track down well-known brands and ask. And how about a camera to document the event? Again, ask. Standard practice is to offer to give their product a subtle ‘in copy’ mention (â€Å"I couldn’t feel a thing in my new Karrimor hiking boots!†) and a ‘thank you’ at the end of the article, along with perhaps a link to their website. You might not be able acquire everything you require, but, taking into account the fee you will receive from the publication, you should at least be able to procure enough to make the trip profitable. To help make the whole process easier, try using a service like PRweb which hooks you up with PR companies and enables you to put out requests for products or services. They exist to make your role as a journalist easier.

Friday, February 14, 2020

WORLD LITERATURE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

WORLD LITERATURE - Essay Example of various aspects of life; yet it is through literature that we learn the main pillars of life – situations, examples, and lessons learnt and taught by the characters and heroes of various epics in literature. They take us through the course of and pessimism of oneself, war, rage, anger, rebelliousness, power, wealth, slavery, death, stolen human rights, greed, hatred to the extreme ends of romance, wild imaginations of seduction and erotic wishes between loved ones, and how they conquer all possible; yet unpredictable boundaries that would arise along the way in order to always protect, save, and live with one another no matter how impossible it might have been for them to unite and re-unite, but they were the heroic characters who taught us what love, devotion, loyalty, and sacrifice without thinking twice was truly all about – basically being the original edition. How the love grew much more between them during their hardest moments; when it would have been consider ed acceptable to some extent to fall apart and give up due to their difficult situations that obliged them to live apart from one another whether it was because of social class differences, religion, family standards, war, etc. It is through literature where we learn to expect the unpredictable whether good or bad. After all, nothing in life could ever be perfect even in literature; there were ups and downs of hardship that they experienced along their journeys, yet their lives; in terms of the stories and epics of their time that we still read, learn, and further enlighten our knowledge with until today are always going to be kept under a special umbrella of everything being creatively, beautifully portrayed and depicted. In my literature research paper, I will introduce, explain, and elaborate on various personalities, and situations, and how the characters and heroes acted and reacted in different incidents, and furthermore; I will; discuss differences and similarities throughout my

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Feminine Beauty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Feminine Beauty - Essay Example It has also been argued that beautification, for the women, is a form of disguise (Ware 178-179). This implies that, through beautification, women attempt to hide their true self and show what they want the society to see. This may mean that women struggle to hide some defects in their bodies. This would be used to show the difference between the process of beautification and the product of the overall process. The process leads to a product, which is just an extension of the woman but not the real self. Specifically, this is termed as a process of creating an alternative ideal of the physical self and eliminating the flaws in the body. To further support this claim, the main reason as to why most women undertake plastic surgery is so that they can align their inner self with their appearance. Some women may claim that their bodies fail to represent them as they should or as they really are (Cahill 41-43). This implies that the women have identified some flaws in their bodies and are constantly attempting to eliminate them through beautification practices. Therefore, through various beautification processes, the true existence of the women is realized. This implies that there is a form of subjectivity that the society has placed on women that requires them to spend longer periods of time while attempting to ‘fit’ in the society. This is the beautification portrayed in the artwork that could as well indicate that the woman spend a significant amount of time performing some beautification procedures to make her look as she ‘really is’.  Such beauty has also been argued to be projected for the male population; for the males’ approval. However, the males are also not keen since they approve it simply by looking at the anesthetic instead of the female being as a full human being. Since the men view the feminine beauty as specifically done for them, the discourse for beautification is contrary to political, social and economic equal ity. Simply, the idea of beautification is against the quest for equality in the society. When men view the beautified woman as the aesthetic, the whole material of work that constitute the woman’s body is perceived as used up in that she fails to reveal her being. In place of that, men see equipment made for their own satisfaction.  

Friday, January 24, 2020

Meaning Of The Word Nigger Essay -- essays research papers

The Meaning of the Word â€Å"Nigger†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I can recall the first time I paid close attention to the word nigger. In junior high a school fight would occur about every week and of course the whole school would gather together and watch. Well this particular fight sticks out in my mind because it was between two boys of different races, Hispanic and black. During their conflict the Hispanic boy bluntly called the black boy a nigger, and that was when the rest of the black students became verbally involved. I remember screaming out â€Å" who do you think you are calling him that?† If the white, Hispanic, or any other race calls us a nigger, we as black people become hostile. Now that I have put more thought into that incident, I ask myself who do we think we are calling ea...

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Human Resources Essay

Employees are always considered an asset to the organization. However organizations can never estimate what amount of this asset is required. Usually the number of employees is either higher than wanted or lower than wanted. Thus to cope up with either surpluses or shortages organizations have a number of methods that are as follows: To manage shortage of employees The first and foremost method to slash shortages is recruiting more permanent employees. This increases the number of workforce as required by the organization. However increasing new employees increases costs for the organization as well. Another method to overcome shortages is to retain employees within the organization who are retiring and offer them added incentives on a late retirement. Similarly another approach to lower down costs and still come over shortages can be to hire retired individuals again on a part time basis. This helps the organization to meet the shortage requirement in an efficient manner as no training is required and also the part time wages are low. Another approach can be to reduce turnovers by providing benefits such as premium pay etc. This is an effective way to retain old employees but can elicit a bidding war which the organization might not be able to control for a long time (Caruth, 1997). Over time and subcontracting is also a good way to deal with shortages. Sub contracting is an expensive procedure but obviously for a short time the company could afford to contract employees. Temporary hiring is also an option and is somewhat similar to sub contracting. Redesigning the job processes so that lesser employees are required is also a way to deal with shortages. This method though requires training so that employees adapt to the new job design and are comfortable with it and doesn’t result in heavier workloads and lowering down the talent level. To Manage Surplus of employees Surpluses are easier to manage then shortages. Stopping the hiring process, no replacements of those who leave, layoffs, offering early retirements etc are one of the most commonly used downsizing techniques (Mathis, 2004). Downsizing activities however have a negative effect on existing employee’s motivation and thus are usually avoided by most organizations. By introducing the shift system, number of hours worked can be reduced and efficiency of employees can be increased. Similarly, outsourcing or temporary employees shouldn’t be hired as there is already a surplus. To lower down costs, the company can either cut down pays across the board or switch to a variable pay plan (number of hours worked multiplied by per hour rate). In either way those with a lower pay or those who work lesser hours will prefer finding a new job that pays them more. Training is also a good way to deal with surpluses. Train half of the employees at a given time and let the other half work then train the later half and let the first half work. Though this is also something expensive and in the long run of no benefit to the organization. Voluntary severance is also another way in which you ask employees to volunteer if they want to leave the organization. Another way to utilize abundance of employees is by expanding operations. Though a firm cannot expand operations overnight nor it can expand them just to accommodate extra employees when there is no need of an expansion. Job Description My current job is as a sales and marketing executive at a technology corporation. I report directly to my sales and marketing director. The basic purpose of my job is to plan and carry out product activation and brand awareness activities in order to increase and sustain sales of my company. The core responsibilities of the job include developing and maintaining a database of customers and potential customers, to plan and carry out sales activities, develop new ideas, keep a track of sales performances, provide management with relevant information, frequently research on the market, the competitors and the customers in order to cope up with the changing needs, make connections with clients for business and organizational development, conduct training sessions to pass on my learning, skills and knowledge to my juniors. Apart from these I have to readily keep my colleagues up to date with all relevant information so that the department is on the same page in meetings or conferences. Communication is one of the foremost things in my job and I have to take care that relevant information reaches the pertaining individual on time. Redesigning the job description In order to redesign my job description following the exhibit I think the first thing that should be focused upon is that the job shouldn’t be monotonous as it is in the above mentioned case. The duties should vary from hard to difficult and from usual to unusual. Skill variety should be a basic part of it. This will lead to an increase of interest towards the job and thus will increase my motivation. My performance will also be definitely improved as I will be learning something different every time and this will be adding to my experience and skills. This will also alleviate the redundancy in my job to some extent (Tanke, 2000). One thing that I feel is lacking in my job is the power of making decisions on my own. As already mentioned I report to my director. At times he is not in the field and he does not have the true picture. In such cases a delay in decision making can be costly for the organization. Thus sales executives should be given the autonomy to at times make decision on their own which can benefit the company. Obviously everyone knows that wrong decision will result in losing the job. So every employee will definitely think for the best of the organization before taking any actions. Employee empowerment results in increasing employee confidence and provides them with new experiences particular to dealing with responsibilities. In turn, employees are satisfied with their jobs, feel a relationship with the organization and get a morale boost. One way to make an employee feel important is to provide feed back. Feedback tells the employee if their work is appreciated or not and in what areas they need to improve. If my director gets feed back from a client on any activity that I planned then it should be known to me as well. Apart from this there should be a little more flexibility in the management attitude so that they also understand that every employee has different needs (Tanke, 2000). Like my job could be more exciting if the management does not keep me sitting in the office just to fill in the hours an employee has to be on his seat. It would be beneficial for both if I am out in the field and monitoring and assisting in the sales activities. All these steps will definitely improve performance, motivation and satisfaction.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Causes And Solutions Of Food Insecurity - 1149 Words

INTRODUCTION This report will explore the impacts, causes and solutions of food insecurity and other contextual factors relating to Chad’s economic and financial crisis. STATEMENT OF FINDINGS Food security exists when everyone in the population has access to enough nutritious food to live an active and health life. In Chad there is no food security, because not everyone has enough food to eat. In fact, according to World Food Program 25-34.9% of Chad is undernourished. Chad is Africa’s 5th largest nation, known for its sacred Chad Lake. It has seven neighbouring countries whom are Sudan, Niger, Libya, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria and Darfur. Altogether they are all resided in North-East Africa. Currently, Chad has 14 million populations and 14.28 deaths occur in every 1000 people. Sadly, Chad has the 6th highest death rate in the world. The life expectancy for females is only 52.7 years and the male life expectancy is 50.8 years. In comparison to Germany, Chad’s longevity statistics has a tremendous differ in the life expectancy, incomes and health care by at least 48%. At the moment, Chad’s citizens have a low income, a loss of education and an alarming lack of health care. According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), only 40.2% of the population can read and write. In addition, not only do Chad lack education, but only 87.9% have access to sanitation facilities and there is only 36% school enrolment within the country. Some major contextualShow MoreRelatedCauses And Solutions Of Food Insecurity1235 Words   |  5 PagesINTRODUCTION This report will explore the impacts, causes and solutions of food insecurity and other contextual factors relating to Chad’s economic and financial crisis. STATEMENT OF FINDINGS Food security exists when everyone in the population has access to enough nutritious food to live an active and health life. In Chad there is no food security, because not everyone has enough food to eat. In fact, according to World Food Program 25-34.9% of Chad is undernourished. Chad is Africa’s 5th largestRead MoreWhat Are the Main Causes of Food Insecurity in the World Today?1656 Words   |  7 PagesWhat are the main causes of food insecurity in the world today? Outline and evaluate 2 or 3 possible solutions to food insecurity problems Currently, millions of people across the globe suffer from under-nutrition and hunger. In 2007, the UN (United Nations) estimated that there are approximately 850 million people who suffer undernourishment in the world today. It also reported that 799 million undernourished people live in developing countriesRead MoreMain Causes of Food Insecurity1680 Words   |  7 PagesWhat are the main causes of food insecurity in the world todayï ¼Å¸ Outline and evaluate 2 or 3 possible solutions to food insecurity problems. Introduction World Food Summit defines food security as: â€Å"Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life†. (World Food Summit, 1996) On the contrary, the food insecurity means the situation people whoRead MoreEnvironmental Scarcity And Food Insecurity786 Words   |  4 PagesA. According to the FAO estimation, there are 840 million undernourished people in the world, and 95% of them are from developing countries. B. Environmental scarcity and food insecurity are critical factors that intensify the issue of malnutrition among people in most developing countries. C. d. Evidence health issue: - protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) refers to a form of malnutrition where there is lack of calories and protein intake. 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With a population of over 7 billion people on this planet, there are 795 million people who go to bed hungry every night (WFP). The solutions that we’ve put implemented thus far to improve food security have not been sustainable. Human Rights, as defined by the United Nations are, â€Å"rights inherent to all human beings [...] We are al l equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights areRead MoreThe Food Security Is Defined By The World Health Organization 20151749 Words   |  7 PagesFood security is defined as ‘when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life’ (The World Food Summit 1996, quoted by The World Health Organization 2015). Thus food insecurity is any situation that deviates from this definition. The research for this report was carried out in Todmorden, West Yorkshire and focused on Incredible Edible, a local food growing and campaigning group. The organisation is run by volunteers, and their aimRead MoreObesity : Childhood Hunger And Poverty1146 Words   |  5 Pagesa wealthy nation, yet 10.6% of households with children (4.2 million) suffer from food insecurity [1]. Low-income households are also much more likely than others to suffer from childhood hunger, caused by a recurrent or involunt ary lack of food. The USDA defines food insecurity as â€Å"limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways† [2]. Yet, obesity of children in America has become a